Contact Us

Damaged shipments must be reported within 24 hours of delivery via the form below. 

We do NOT take phone orders and everything is done online via our website. Use the form below to make changes or have questions about new or existing orders.  The phone number below is for wholesale opportunities ONLY and not for servicing existing orders.  Please provide your order number in the subject line.

Let's Hear It... Do you have a question about an order? Are you confused about a pastry selection? Do you have a suggestion or idea for the site? We want to hear from you! Your valuable feedback helps us make the site better and allows us to serve you more effectively. Please use the form below, selecting the department that best suits your inquiry.   Our communication with you is extremely important to us and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Planet Bakery's

PO Box 204
Dearborn, MI. 48121
Phone: (800) 515-7445 (Wholesale ONLY)

Contact Form

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