Frequently asked questions about Planet Bakery's baklava

Can I cancel my order?

Can I cancel my order? Yes. Visit our contact us page prior to shipping confirmation and we will gladly cancel. Please include your order number, name, and telephone number. A canceled order confirmation will be sent v

Can I ship my order to multiple addresses?

Can I ship my order to multiple addresses? Yes you can. As you enter each product into the shopping cart, there is an option displayed labeled "Send to" where you can qualify the recipient's brief information. At checkout, you will be asked for the

Can you accommodate large functions such as weddings or showers?

Can you accommodate large functions such as weddings or showers? Yes we can. We recommend that you visit our contact us page for your specific needs and a representative will follow up with the details.

Do I have to register?

Do I have to register? Yes you do have to register. However, if you do this it will save you time next time you order from Planet Bakey.

Do you offer expedite shipping options?

Do you offer expedite shipping options other than the FREE Ground Service? Yes we do. This option is offered during the checkout process where you can select the shipping type of your choice. Should you change your mind later, and wish to upgrade yo

Do you sell wholesale?


Do you sell wholesale? Yes we do. We offer flexible terms and low barrier to entry because we want you to succeed.  We're confident that your customers will love our baklava products and our partnership will continue to grow.  We a

What do I do if my order arrives damaged?

What do I do if my order arrives damaged. Visit our contact us page and notify us immediately via the email form. You must contact us within 24 hours of delivery to honor damaged packages. Do not discard any of the contents. Planet Bakery, will take

What if I forget my password?

What do I do if I forgot my password? Simply enter your your email address in the section of the page which contains a button labeled "reset my passord". Click this button and the password will be emailed to the address you.

What is Fillo Dough?

What is Fillo Dough?